Tell DNR What You Want in WV State Parks and other Public Lands
Tell DNR What You Want in WV State Parks and other Public Lands
Your emails and calls worked. The State rejected all three proposals for Cacapon State Park. Now, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources wants your input about future development in our wild and wonderful State Parks and public lands.
Please take a few minutes and complete the survey.
One question will have plenty of space for you to share all your ideas. Please include all your thoughts. Some ideas you might include are:
- Stay true to the mission of State Parks: “promote conservation by preserving and protecting natural areas of unique or exceptional scenic, scientific, cultural, archaeological or historical significance.”
- Our State Parks should not be profit centers for private developers for mega resorts or private amenities.
- Recreation allowed should be nature-based, non-motorized.
A bill passed in 2022, HB 4408, opened the door for private companies to develop projects and facilities in all state parks, except for Watoga State Park. Your efforts stopped the commercialization of Cacapon Resort State Park. Will your favorite State Park, Forest, or other public land be next?
We will keep you informed about any new developments. You have the chance to shape future plans for our state lands by completing the survey.