Supervisors OK Marshall “Form-Based” Code
Laying to rest one of Fauquier’s more divisive land-use debates in years, the board of supervisors Thursday approved zoning regulations designed to ensure that Marshall develops like a traditional town.
The board voted, 3-1, to approve the “Marshall Code” — a 31-page document that includes new requirements related to building height and stories, lot size and width, setbacks, building footprints, parking, screening and landscaping. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: MARSHALL FORM-BASED CODE
Goose Creek Association recently submitted comments to approve the “Form-Based” code and not approve an amendment to allow a Car Dealership. See comments below:
October 11, 2017
Fauquier County Board of Supervisors
Warren Green Building
10 Hotel Street, Suite 208
Warrenton, Virginia 20186
RE: Comments on Marshall’s Form Based Code
Dear Supervisors:
The Goose Creek Association (GCA) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the above project proposal. Our organization is charged with monitoring stream water quality, proposed developments, legislation, zoning changes, and other actions that have potential impact on the environment and quality of life in the Goose Creek watershed in Fauquier and Loudoun Counties, VA. We are a nonprofit 501C3 organization with hundreds of members who share a determination to protect and preserve the natural resources, historic heritage and rural quality of life found in this beautiful part of Virginia. The GCA is pleased to provide you with the following comments related to the proposed Marshall Code:
• GCA supports the form-based Marshall Code as proposed without an amendment that would permit auto sales and services in the Gateway area.
• GCA concludes that the form-based Marshall Code would best ensure that the historic, small-town character of Marshall is protected and preserved, while allowing for appropriate growth and development in the Marshall Service District.
• GCA believes that the water resources in Marshall should be better understood, monitored, and protected than they have been in the past. Zoning and enforcement in Marshall should ensure that industrial and other pollutants and run-off not be allowed to encroach upon the springs, aquifers and their replenishment areas, that provide water to Marshall’s businesses and residents. Inclusion of auto sales and services in the gateway entrance to Marshall, or any area of Marshall susceptible to industrial pollution, could jeopardize sources of fresh water in Marshall and should not be permitted.
For these reasons, we urge the Board of Supervisors to vote in favor of the form-based Code for Marshall without an amendment permitting auto sales and services in the Gateway area.
Sincerely yours,
Lori Keenan McGuinness
Chair for Fauquier County
Richard Gerhardt, Chairman – Cedar Run District –
Christoper Butler – Vice Chairman – Lee District –
Mary Leigh McDaniel – Marshall District –
Christopher Granger – Center District –
Holder Trumbo, Jr. – Scott District –