GCA 2020-21 Mid Year Report
Nature is one thing we have been able to appreciate and enjoy this year. Goose Creek Association has continued its mission to protect and preserve our environment, and the quality of our lives in the Goose Creek watershed by:
Winning the 2020 Virginia Environmental Film Award Grand Prize with our “Goose Creek” video. View it at https://goosecreek.org/video/
Before Covid closures, we showed this video to students at the Foxcroft School,
officials at Banshee Reeks Preserve, and to a packed audience at the Hill School, expanding our message throughout the watershed and beyond.
Assisting neighborhood advocacy groups concerning developments that are contrary to our mission, including Banbury Cross, Barrel Oak Hotel and the proposed expansion of the Blackthorn Inn.
Opposing developments’ inconsistencies with county comprehensive plans and ordinances, with comments in writing and in person to the:
Loudoun Board of Supervisors (BOS) regarding the Goose Creek Overlook
Loudoun Planning Commission Board regarding the Goose Creek Overlook
Loudoun BOS regarding True North Data Center
Loudoun BOS regarding the Transition Policy Area
VADEQ and Loudoun BOS regarding the Middleburg Preserve (St. Louis)
Middleburg Town Council regarding Banbury Cross proposed subdivision.
Continuing our Goose Creek Challenge (GCC) Riparian Buffer Plantings and Tree Giveaways. 2020 was definitely a “challenge” for our GCC planting program without the volunteer student assistance that we normally have to help with the riparian buffer tree planting. Our Board, along with the John Marshall and Loudoun Soil and Water Conservation Districts and other volunteers, kept the program going by planting on three different farms for a total of 810 trees and over 4,226 feet of stream bed.
Partnering with another local tree planting organization, WePlantTrees.org, by organizing tree plantings on an additional 11 farms in the Goose Creek Watershed. Also, with our very popular spring and fall “free tree” events, we gave away an additional 750 native trees for planting.
Monitoring stream sites for benthic health, while introducing online training, in accordance with VA Department of Environmental Quality and VA Save Our Streams protocols, and developing a Goose Creek watershed report card with the assistance of the Friends of the Rappahannock.
Developing our Wild and Scenic Virtual Film Festival for viewing on April 9, 2021
Offering you these links to enjoy our past environmental video picks in the comfort of your home:
Shenandoah: Voices of the River – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BjkyvfvHtc
Switch – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvaE0PFna84
Plastic Paradise – https://tubitv.com/movies/507686/plastic-paradise-the-great-pacific-garbage-patch?utm_source=google-feed&tracking=google-feed
Saving Place, Saving Grace
Rancher, Farmer, Fisherman – Trailer
Biggest Little Farm – Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfDTM4JxHl8
Raising $50,000+ in contributions to celebrate our 50th Anniversary in 2020! We asked and you gave, thank you! As a volunteer organization, GCA has not received any government COVID relief. However, you stepped up to the plate and we met our target!