FOSR’s Summer E. coli Test Results for Thursday, September 01, 2022

- FC05, Lockes Landing PBL Main-stem Shenandoah River in Clarke County VA
- FW36 Manassas Run above the confluence with Main-stem Shenandoah River at Morgan’s ford PBL in Warren County VA.
The water level in the main-stem of the Shenandoah River at Morgan’s Ford PBL has receded so that now the edge of the streambank is at the mid-river site FW35 MID. Again, I was unable to collect a water sample at the Opequon Creek site because access was blocked by down tress and brush.
As a reference point, the FOSR uses the Virginia water-quality standard prior to October 2019 which was a single sample threshold of 235 E. coli colony-forming units per 100 mL of water sample for primary recreational use. Meaning that if a single freshwater grab sample had E. coli levels that exceed 235 CFU per 100mL of water sample then the water was considered unsafe for primary recreational use.
The FOSR is providing these data for you to make an informed decision regarding recreation in the Shenandoah River watershed based on the sites tested.
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