FOSR 2019 Summer E. coli Results through 07.02.2019
Here are this week’s quantitative E. coli concentration results from the 15 public access and recreational use sites located on the Main-stem, North Fork and South Fork of the Shenandoah River, and the Opequon Creek being tested by the Friends of the Shenandoah River. The water samples were collected on Tuesday, July 02.
In a freshwater system, these data represent a snapshot of the water quality on the date, time, and under the conditions that the water sample was collected.
The E. coli concentration results for the water samples collected on July 02, 2019 indicated that the following sites surpassed the Virginia Water Quality Standard threshold level of 235 colony forming units of E. coli per 100 ml of sample for freshwater beaches:
Manassas Run, FW-36, above the confluence with the Shenandoah River at Morgan’s Ford low water bridge in Warren county
Opequon Creek, FCOC, off Neill Road at ford in Clarke/Frederick counties
The following are recommendations from the Virginia Department of Health to help prevent illness and injury when swimming in natural waters:
- Avoid swimming in natural waters for a few days after a heavy rain event.
- Avoid swallowing water when swimming.
- Avoid getting water shot up your nose when swimming, especially in warm shallow water.
- Avoid swimming or wading in with open wounds or cuts.
- Look for posted signs near the swimming area.
- Don’t swim in areas where there are dead fish present.
- Don’t swim if you are ill.
- Shower with soap and clean water after swimming.
- Avoid swimming in muddy water of lakes, ponds, and rivers.
- Avoid swimming in unfamiliar ponds, streams, creeks, ditches, and canals.
- Be aware of local weather conditions prior to recreational activities and watch for dangerous waves and signs of rip currents.
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