Financial Assistance Available for Septic Pumping and Repair
The Sleepy Creek Watershed Association (SCWA) has once again teamed with the Eastern Panhandle Conservation District (ECPD) to provide financial assistance to homeowners within the watershed to have their septic system pumped. The WV Department of Health & Human Resources recommends you have your septic system tank pumped every three to five years.
Regular pumping of septic systems helps keep your system working properly. It also prevents the leaking of contaminants, which pollute both groundwater and surface waters such as Sleepy Creek. Septic system contaminants in Sleepy Creek eventually flow into the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay.
If you suspect your septic system is not working properly, additional financial assistance may be available to help with the cost of repairing or replacing the system. As part of the application process, it must be verified that your system is failing and in need of repair by the Morgan County Health Department.
Homeowners in the watershed can apply for assistance by picking up an application for either program at the Morgan County Health Department and submitting the application to the EPCD office in Martinsburg. Applications are also available for downloading on the end of this article. Detailed instructions are contained in the application forms and must be followed to be considered for approval. Financial assistance will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis determined by complete applications received.
All applications must be approved by the EPCD before the system is pumped or repaired. For the septic pumping program, homeowners are asked to have their septic system pumped within 60 days of approval. Homeowners are required to pay for the pumping in full and submit the paid invoice to the EPCD. Approved applicants will then be reimbursed for 50% of the pumping cost or $150, whichever is less. For the septic repair program, homeowners are responsible for the initial $500 towards the cost of repair. Approved applicants are then eligible for up to $7,000 in financial assistance to complete the repair.
More detailed information about these financial assistance opportunities is available from Kristen Bisom, EPCD, (681) 247-3011, or at