Action Alert: Encourage WV Senators to Act on Acid Mine Drainage
Contact WV’s Senators and Encourage Passage of the STREAM Act
The STREAM Act is a popular, bipartisan bill to clean up toxic water pollution from abandoned mines. It sailed through the U.S. House this summer, and now it is time for the U.S. Senate to act!
You’ve probably seen acid mine drainage – it turns waterways rust-orange with dangerous pollution, and threatens the health of people and wildlife. Remediation of this pollution requires long-term water treatment facilities, and in turn, long-term funding.
Congress recently allocated billions of dollars to address abandoned coal mine pollution including acid mine drainage as part of the bipartisan infrastructure law. But unfortunately, the new law does not allow states to set money aside for long-term acid mine drainage treatment facilities.
Let’s make sure the West Virginia Office of Abandoned Mine Lands & Reclamation has the flexibility to spend this money on long-term treatment of acid mine drainage.
Tell Senator Manchin and Senator Capito to pass the STREAM Act!