Act Now: Stand up for West Virginians’ rights!
Act Now: Stand up for West Virginians’ rights!
This weekend, our leaders in Washington sent a message to West Virginians that we are not worthy of equal protection under the law as they reached an agreement to raise the U.S. Debt Ceiling.
This agreement compromised on a dirty deal that fast-tracks the approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline without further public participation or judicial review. Read local media coverage, including comments from WV Rivers, here and here.
Let me be clear: West Virginians are worthy. Our water resources and people are worth protecting. Over 400 streams yet to be crossed by MVP are at stake.
Right now, Congress needs to hear that it is wrong for any community to be made more vulnerable by giving a free pass to a pipeline project that has repeatedly failed to comply with the laws.
Senator Kaine (D-VA) is offering an amendment to strip out the unjust approval of the MVP from the debt limit deal, and a vote is expected by the end of this week.
After you have added your voice, we urge you to ask five people in your network to take action to stop MVP and protect the watersheds in its path.
More soon,
– Angie Rosser
Executive Director